Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Someone's trying to get our attention

I’ve wondered recently if someone isn’t trying to get our attention. Mudslides and fires in California have displaced dozens of people. Polluted air is everywhere.

Floods and tornadoes in the Midwest have created havoc. Other parts of the nation are experiencing droughts. Fields can’t be planted and crops die from too much water.

Tsunamis in the Far East have killed thousands. Outbreaks of salmonella in this country and other diseases have sickened hundreds. Honey bees have disappeared and fire ants are making their way northward out of Mexico.

For me, at least, it’s clear that humans can’t cope with the forces of nature. But where should we turn?

Science? Scientific explanations are not solutions.

Each other? What can my neighbor do that I couldn’t?

Government? Democrats might believe government is the solution, but history teaches us differently.

Money can’t buy relief from an approaching storm.

Good health can’t keep a forest fire from burning down a home.

What’s next? Swarms of locusts devastating the land?

I don’t think God is wreaking torment on us — although that’s possible. I think he is taking a hands-off attitude and letting nature take its course. If believe God wants us to turn to him for help. He wants us to realize we need him.

Several years ago a steady downpour forced cancellation of the annual July 5 Symphony Above the Clouds in Woodland Park. However, the Symphony Guild, of which my wife is president, had to pay the orchestra whether it played or not. That essentially broke the Guild.

The next year concert donations would be required to make up the shortfall. My wife was in desperate straits. She'd spent hundreds of hours working on the event, which is free to the people, and another disaster would wipe them out. Once again, storm clouds formed. I prayed fervently that if God took the rain away I would give him the credit.

I looked at the computer’s weather radar. Inexplicably, the storms stopped their eastward movement. Instead, they began moving westward, away from the concert site. How many times have Colorado rainstorms moved west? It was as though something was blowing them back where they came from. That’s all I needed to know. God indeed answers prayers. If he would do this for one person, how much more would he do if many people prayed?

I think that’s what’s going on in the world today. God wants us to turn to him for help.

I have a brother-in-law who is a physicist. He says believing in God would take the randomness out of science. I just shake my head because he’s placing science ahead of everything else. Doesn’t he know there are things even science can’t answer?

Setting aside the seven days, today's scientific explanation of how the universe was formed (Big Bang, etc.) follows precisely the way it’s described in the book of Genesis. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Science and religion used to be on the same page. They will be again some day.

That's it from my corner of Colorado. Happy 4th of July!